8 Things to Know Before You Buy a Facebook Ad


If you’re new to Facebook ads, the prospect of using them in your business might feel daunting. Don’t worry: Like any other advertising channel, they can be effective if you know what you’re doing. Here are eight things that every small-business owner should know before investing in their first Facebook ad campaign:

It’s all about your audience.

The first thing to do when creating a Facebook ad is to know your audience. What are their needs? How can you help them? What are they afraid of, and how can you avoid that in your ads? How do they like to be marketed to, and how can you reach them effectively?

Once you know these things about your audience, it’s time for the next step: engaging them with something relevant. It could be a funny video or an inspirational quote—anything that piques their interest enough for them to click on the link. Then all you have left is making sure the content on that landing page converts into business! Social media Sydney appears to be using facebook ads for start-up clients.

Know your budget, and then make sure it’s enough.

Before you start your campaign, it’s important to set a budget. If you don’t know how much money you can afford to spend on Facebook advertising, start by asking yourself a few questions:

  • How much money do I have in my account right now?
  • How many people will see my ad?
  • What kind of results do I expect from this campaign?

After answering these questions, it’s time to think about setting up an actual budget in Facebook’s interface. To do this, head over to the Ads Manager page and click Create Campaign at the top right corner of the screen. Once there, select what type of ad campaign it is (we’ll talk about this later) and then set up a daily budget option with whatever limits apply based on your answers above.

Choose the right campaign type for your business goals.

Once you’ve determined your audience and set your budget, it’s time to decide what kind of campaign you want to run. The following types of campaigns are available on Facebook:

  • Promoted Posts
  • Boosted Posts
  • Page Post Engagement Ads
  • Carousel Ad Units

Promote content that deserves to be promoted.

When you promote content, you want to make sure that your ad is going to be seen by the right people—the ones who will take action and engage with your brand.

To do this, it’s important to promote quality content (and not just any old post). You want to make sure that the content being promoted has been created with your audience in mind. In other words, if you’re a fashion brand, don’t share images of cats wearing clothes unless they’re actually relevant to your product or service.

Here are some tips for picking out good content:

  • Make sure there’s already an established audience following that page/account and engaging with them regularly (this will indicate relevance)
  • Look at how much engagement each post receives on average—this can give insight into whether people care enough about what they’re sharing for them take action when prompted by an ad
  • Look for keywords related to what you’re promoting within the title and description of posts being shared by pages/accounts similar to yours

Use high-quality images.

One of the most important things you can do to improve your ads is to use high-quality images. If you have great pictures, people are more likely to click on them and engage with what you’re advertising.

It’s important that the images on your Facebook ads are relevant to your product or service. Otherwise, it’s not going to seem like anything that would be of interest to anyone who sees it. For example, if I’m selling baseball bats for kids’ T-ball games, I should use a picture of one of my products next to an image of children playing baseball (or even just an image from their website). This will help people understand what kind of business I run and how they can benefit from working with me as well as show off some impressive graphics skills!

It also makes sense if possible/affordable/easily accessible by all means possible (like asking friends who have good equipment) get professional photos taken rather than just using free ones online (though sometimes finding something free may work out better) because those tend not be very good quality compared with professionally done ones so overall looks better when viewed alone make sure everything looks clear enough though generally speaking these details aren’t too hard

Experiment with ad types and placements.

Experiment with different ad types, such as video ads or carousel ads, to see what works best. Experiment with different placements to see where your audience is most likely to be receptive.

For example, if you’re trying out a new product that caters to mothers and want their attention on Facebook, use the “Mothers & Family” placement. If you want people who are interested in certain activities or hobbies and have a high propensity for making purchases, use the “Entertainment & Media” placement. Don’t just pick one ad type—use them all!

Use clear, attention-grabbing headlines and ad copy.

The headline is the first thing people will see when they come across your ad. It should be short and to the point, with a clear call-to-action.

For example: “Download our free guide today!” is much better than “Free guide download.” The shorter headline also allows you more space to include an effective image or video without looking crowded on small mobile screens.

It’s important that you use this space wisely, so don’t waste it by trying to cram too many words into one line! Make sure that whatever you choose is relevant to both your product/service and what it does for people who buy it (in other words, think about how customers would describe themselves in relation to what you sell). You can even use competitor names as long as they’re not offensive or negative—this kind of name dropping will help establish credibility among potential customers who may already know about that company’s offerings. Finally, never forget that when creating headlines for Facebook Ads campaigns (and especially those targeting mobile devices), brevity matters most: Long sentences are difficult for users’ eyes to follow quickly because scrolling constantly becomes necessary whenever there aren’t enough characters per line; repetitive phrasing only makes matters worse since there’s nothing stopping someone from scrolling back down several paragraphs just because he couldn’t remember where exactly he left off reading last time around! Remember also: The higher up an ad appears on screen while browsing through different pages during normal usage patterns means more clicks per impression…so keep lines short!

Make sure  your content matches what was promised by way of description within each post format type like video ads or photo slideshows which might have limited words available depending on length restrictions imposed by platforms themselves like Facebook itself does limit text amount allowed but usually its around 100 – 150 characters max so make sure all titles are useful if possible try not using any punctuation marks except apostrophes “.” “;” etc but mostly capitalization rules apply here so make sure

Keep a close eye on your metrics after you launch the campaign.

Now that you’ve launched your ad, it’s time to monitor the results. You can use Facebook’s built-in reports or a third-party tool to track your metrics—and both options have their benefits and drawbacks.

Facebook’s in-platform reporting system has a ton of information available, but it isn’t always intuitively organized or easy to parse. Third party tools like AdEspresso offer simpler dashboards and make it easier to pull data into Excel for further analysis (though they won’t tell you which ads are most effective).

Regardless of whether you’re using Facebook’s analytics or a third party tool, here are some metrics worth tracking:

Facebook advertising is a great way to get new customers, but there are some important things to know before you do it.

Facebook advertising is a great way to get new customers, but there are some important things to know before you do it. Before you get started with Facebook ads, here are eight things you should know.

  • Facebook advertising is not just for big companies
  • You need to understand your audience and what they care about in order to create the right message
  • If a picture says a thousand words then an image that engages people will have more impact than text alone!
  • The more time your ad spends being viewed by users the more likely that they will be able to click on it and visit your website – this increases the chances of conversion (clicking through) from 0% – 15% depending on how long each user views the ad before closing or scrolling past it entirely so try not only keep them engaged but also make sure that whatever information is contained within them is relevant enough for them spend some time reading! Keep reading the social media services from pickedfirst.com.au.


Facebook advertising is a great way to get new customers, but there are some important things to know before you do it. You have to know your audience and the kind of ads they’ll respond best to. You also need to keep an eye on your budget and make sure that it’s enough for what you want out of this campaign. It’s also important not just for getting new customers but also keeping them happy with future orders from your business!

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