Custom Splashback To Fit The Shape Of My Shower


If you want a custom-made splashback and your shower walls are odd shapes then this is the product for you!

Custom Splashback To Fit The Shape Of My Shower

Custom splashbacks are made to fit any shape or size. They are very easy to clean, waterproof and durable. A custom splashback is a great way to add style and colour to your bathroom.

Custom-made splashbacks can be cut to fit any shape or size.

Custom-made splashbacks can be cut to fit any shape or size. The process is a very easy one and you can get a custom-made splashback made to fit any shape or size of your shower.

They are very easy to clean, waterproof, and durable.

  • They are very easy to clean. A quick swipe with a damp cloth or sponge will remove any soap scum or water stains that have accumulated on your tile.
  • They are waterproof. You don’t need to worry about mold or mildew growing behind them, either; these tiles are completely impervious to moisture and humidity, so they won’t get damaged by exposure to moisture in the air (like regular glass does).
  • They’re durable enough for any bathroom environment–even those with kids! Your custom splashback will stand up well against knocks and bumps from kids who aren’t quite ready yet for their own bathrooms just yet (or maybe never will be).

If you want a custom-made splashback and your shower walls are odd shapes then this is the product for you!

If you want a custom-made splashback and your shower walls are odd shapes then this is the product for you! It’s easy to clean, waterproof and durable.

The product can be made to fit any size or shape of your bathroom wall with no hassle at all.


If you want a custom-made splashback and your shower walls are odd shapes then this is the product for you! You can get your own custom splashback made by visiting here.

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