Social Media Results Review


Social media is an important part of any business’s marketing strategy and it could be a one reason why other companies started to choose their own social media management as part of their process. It’s a fast, easy way to connect with potential customers and build your brand. In fact, the number of businesses using social media has grown by more than 10% in just two years! We’re proud that our brand has been able to learn from our audience on these platforms:

Likes from Facebook

Facebook likes are the most straightforward indicator of user engagement on your social media page. Facebook shares and comments work similarly, but they’re worth keeping track of separately since each indicates a kind of interaction with your brand that is different from liking or commenting.

If you see low numbers here, it might be time to consider what kinds of content you’re posting—or if there’s another reason your audience isn’t interested in interacting with you on Facebook.

Engaged users on Twitter

  • The number of users who retweeted your Tweets
  • The number of times your Tweets were favorited
  • The number of replies you received to your Tweets
  • The number of clicks on links in your tweets (links to external sites) and shortened URLs. We can’t tell what these click-throughs are, but they do count towards engagement. For example, a link to a piece of content that was interesting enough to be clicked on by someone might also have been retweeted or favorited by other users too!

Reach on LinkedIn

The second metric that we’re going to look at is LinkedIn. This is a good place to connect with professionals, share content and videos, and post images for your target audience.

LinkedIn is also a great place for B2B marketers to engage in discussions about their industry and build relationships with influencers or potential clients. If you have enough budget, LinkedIn ads are an effective way of driving leads from high-quality traffic coming from the platform itself.

Views on YouTube

If you’re posting videos on YouTube, it’s important to keep in mind that views will not come overnight. If you want to see an increase in video views, you need to be posting regularly and have a good title, description, and tags. Once your videos are live on the platform, make sure they have a good thumbnail as well as a call to action that encourages people to watch it. Lastly (and arguably most importantly), post high-quality content—this will help draw viewers in and keep them engaged once they get there!

Comments on Instagram

Comments are one of the most important engagement metrics for Instagram. Comments can help you understand who is interested in your content, what they like, and what they don’t like. They can also help you get feedback on your content so that you can improve it.

Comments are a good way to interact with your audience. You can answer questions or share new information that they want to know about.

Finally, comments are a good way to get more followers because people who comment on an image might also follow that account as well

Pins on Pinterest

Pinterest is a great way to get your message out to a large audience. It’s especially effective for B2B companies, which often struggle with making their messages resonate with consumers and potential customers. With Pinterest, you can build both brand awareness and customer loyalty through the content you share on your boards.

Social media is a valuable way to connect with your audience, and our efforts are working!

We are engaging with our audience.

We’re getting results.

Our social media efforts are working!


Our social media efforts are working! We’re getting the results that we want, and that’s exciting. So what can you do with this information? If you’re unsure about which platform might be right for your business, we recommend starting with Facebook. It’s the most popular social network among older generations, so if they don’t use it then they probably won’t be on any other platforms either. Twitter is also great because it allows users to share short but important messages quickly—perfect for businesses who want their followers to know what they do or what events they have coming up soon! Then there are all of these other platforms like Instagram (which shows off photos well), Pinterest (where people save things they like), LinkedIn (used mostly by professionals instead of consumers) etc… However, each one has its own unique benefits so try them out until something clicks 🙂 Grab now the chance to become a social media influencer and gain more followers.

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